Monday, August 4, 2014

StoneHouse Academy

Whew! What a wonderfully busy and crazy week! The past seven days were filled with all sorts of last minute preparations for our big move to the new school. Then came the great two block Exodus… walking to the ‘promised’ land, and finally … our PTA open house at the new StoneHouse Academy facility. But, even with all the work… it was a fun filled and rewarding experience of biblical proportions.

The Exodus

When the Exodus finally came, it was ‘all hands on deck’. 

Everyone spent the morning getting everything out of the old school and ready to move to the new one.

After finding out what each individual could carry, God’s children gathered at the gate and waited for the ram’s horn to sound… (Well maybe a small party horn).

Caleb (James’s son) led the joyful procession down the dusty streets (Moses and Joshua were busy) toward the ‘Promised land’ all the inhabitants (neighbors) came out to watch. 

There were no Egyptians after them unless you considered the pharaoh (former landlord) who said they had to be out that day.

Soon they spotted the place the Lord had prepared for them… a place they could really ‘Rise and Shine’.

The children of God pushed through the pearly gates… (Well, maybe they were iron gates) and took the land… Hallelujah!

Laying all their burdens down and parking their gasoline powered oxcarts … they rested and began to rejoice in their blessings.

Knowing that God had promised that He would give them everywhere their feet touched, they made sure that every inch of hallowed ground was tread upon. It was awesome to behold.

Everyone rejoiced… the children with their new spacious playground, the cook with her new big kitchen (with a table too) and even the teachers with their first, not so big, teachers lounge.

Next morning they invited their ancestors (moms and dads) to come and visit this wondrous place.

Registration (the numbering of the parents) went well, and soon all proceeded inside the sanctuary for an encounter with God.

When everyone took their seats, the heavenly choir filled the room with God’s glory.

 Then the angels Cynthia and Beatrice led them in song. It was truly divine.

After describing what we, the children’s servants, wanted to do this coming year, we and the ancestors settled back and watched something truly remarkable. It was a video we made of some of our students getting to visit Lake Nakuru National Park. It is the beginning of something we want to do a lot more … field trips. Most of the parents of our students have never been in the park.

We want to thank those who have stood with us in this endeavor. We are making a difference in hundreds of lives both young and old. Please continue to stand with us as we press forward to bring action to the claims of Christ. May God bless you all.

The StoneHouse Family


Bethlehem said...

It's always soooo much more fun looking through the events of our day through "God's glasses". I absolutely love the gasoline powered ox carts!:) Beautiful little happy faces! Just think what they will have the chance to do:)

Chavvah said...

How awesome! Thank you for all your hard work and thank James and Beatrice, and everyone else who works so hard for these children and the Lord. Chavvah

David Noah Taylor said...

Thank you two sisters and precious friends. We could not being doing this without your support and love. God bless you so much.