Monday, July 31, 2017

The Amazing Women of God

Sometimes… our Father in Heaven sends us little signs, that this day… is going to be a special day. This was one of those days. This black and white picture of the sun, is an actual picture of the sunrise on the day of the Stonehouse Sisterhood conference. We were excited, we knew He was coming.

Our Masai sisters, Josephine, Santori and baby Niyin, arrived from our newest church family in Ngoswani, Masai Mara, Friday evening and spent the weekend at our house on Windy Hill. Saturday morning we woke up and ate breakfast, with a lot of anticipation of hearing from God and meeting new sisters.

As we arrived at our Engashura church family's gathering place, registration began for the eighty or so ladies coming from the different local StoneHouse churches.

There were many women from our distant church families, that couldn’t attend, as the distance made traveling too cost prohibitive. Those who were able to come, arrived with some trepidation, having never met their fellow sisters.

That trepidation soon dissipated, as sisters greeted one another with holy affection.

The gathering was called to order, by our lovely sister Helen, from our home fellowship (soon to be a church family) in Barut. Lillian, mother of Winnie, interpreted for Helen.

Then everyone sang to and worshiped the One who had brought them all together.

During the general assembly, subjects were taught and discussed like...what does it mean to have faith like a 'mustard seed' and how does someone walk with God in this present age?

Lillian from Keptembwa, Caroline from Njoro were among the speakers talking on the various subjects in the general assembly.

After general assembly and lunch, the ladies broke into various workshops, concerning problems that faced the various demographics. What does discipleship look like for widows, abandoned mothers, single women and grandparents being a few of the discussions.

Among the small group discussio participants, was Josephine from Ngoswani Masai Mara fellowship...

Elizabeth from Nakuru fellowship...  

In the green headscarf, Josephine from Njoro fellowship...

In the white blouse, Mary from Keptembwa fellowship...

In the pink dress, Wangui from Keptembwa fellowship ....

All the women attending were attentive and grateful. They spoke afterwards, saying the conference was the best they had ever experienced. 

In the afternoon some of our missionary friends from Christian Aid Ministries, Luke, Jamila Kuntz and their wonderful children (three of which are in the background), brought the widows, boxes of food, containing unga (flour), beans, rice etc., and 1000 shillings (10 US dollars) for each woman.

All the while, outside the building, my car was serving duty as the child care center.

At the end of the day, everyone present, (including me the photographer), was blessed beyond measure. Our cups were full.

That night we all slept like logs and woke up to a great 'Haviylah' breakfast. We then drove Josephine, Santori and baby girl Niyin, to the Matatu stage (bus stop) for their trip home.

We want to express our love and thanks to Robin Nail and Heaven's family for their help financing this wonderful conference. May our Father in Heaven bless you for your love.

And finally... to the Lady, who through a lot of prayer and hard work, brought it all together.

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